First a look backwards…
This photo was taken in Bolivia back in 2010, when I made a journey across South America by bike. Something happened to me during that trip. I remember all the mixed emotions running around in my head that day in Colombia, when I pedaled the very last stretch and ending a 1-year long trip. What will it be like to come back home? Will I ever do this again? What would be the next destination?
Ever since I came back, I’ve been thinking about when and where to go next. Now, after 2.5 years, I have decided to go cycling again, this time from Sweden to (and through) Africa, and this is exactly what this blog is all about!
You can read more about the preliminary route here.
I hope you would like to follow me on this journey. Please subscribe to blog updates from the homepage by either e-mail or RSS.
Riiiktigt galet calle! Spännande att det äntligen ska bli av. Vi får ta en Stickeystorsdag innan du försvinner ;)
Ha en trevlig cykelresa! Det låter ju väldigt spännande. Önskar jag kunde göra en liknande sak.
Vilken väg valde du? Härligt foto. Lycklig resa!
Lycka till på resan över kontinenterna!
Vi ser fram emot att höra om berättelserna på ohmsittsarna när du kommit hem igen
NollKIT – kärlek <3
Dina sittande efterföljare´13
Lycka till,var rädd om knäna.
We met in Gibraltar. Funny, the name of our Homepages are very similar.
Good luck. I will have a look at your site.
Give you a hug
Lycka till och glöm inte pumpen!Hälsar Hans.